上線狀態:    住戶編號:
  的相簿 > 雙子星魅影大樓

Take a good look at this photograph, you will notice two dark lines in the skyline

This could be a coincidental flaw on the film / smudges on the lens, however, given the location of these two “shadows” I found this photograph disticty eerie!

Could a residual energy remain at this site of heartwrenching tragedy, visible in a spectrum of light outside our human field of vision but detectable with the extended spectrum of a camera equipmet explain the photograph?

Could the imagination, thoughts, sorrow and consciousness of the people on the tour bus somehow conjoured the apparition to appear on the photograph?

Or is this a simple coincidental flaw, reflective shadow or even a deliberate hoax, perhaps we will never know!

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  • 瀏覽次數:5 次
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  • 相簿類型:自然觀察
  • 瀏覽權限:公開相簿


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