曾經一次旅行,有個人住在腦海裡成為你身體ㄉ一部份。因為生活充斥著工作、家庭、經濟瑣碎、理想和人際關係,隨著愛ㄉ流動消長,終於要愛在午夜希臘時……Script of the movie is closed to real life.Actor's (or actress') lines are especially flowing and how hard they play on their performing skills.對白細膩、鏡頭語言深刻,each scene represents every moment is so touching as well..How beautiful the movies( BEFORE SUNRISE & BEFORE SUNSET)play just like I watch them again and again.Sometimes people have to take a risk in love,a journey independently,and trying something different .I would rather擁抱此時than cherish the memory of old days, you know…